Narugashima is island no one lives on. You can go from Yura village in Awaji island. A man from volunteer was touring us around island and told us plants and sea life in this island.
This yellow flower is called “Hamabo”, kind of Hibiscus. July was season of this flower.
There were little clubs live on shore of this island. We were observing their nest through scope.
He said these shores with grasses were almost extinct because people build something or put concrete around coast. But there are lots of life in this kind of place.
This plant is edible. It was salty taste!
This plant is wild carrot.
This is lily. People in Japan eat this roots with Chawanmushi, kind of egg custard with stock.
This is wild boar foot print.
Deer eats tree’s skin.
This is small island but it remains nice nature because people is not there. It was interesting eco tour!