Gokurakucho Art Club, Awaji island

  • 2018/02/12
  • category: News


Dates: March 10th and 24th (saturday)

Time: 17:30-19:00

Cost: 1500 includes materials (paper, charcoal, ink, pencils, pens)

Level: everyone (total beginner or experienced) high school student or adult

Max: 8 people

Place: Neki 額縁と珈琲




  • Make different marks, enjoy mistakes and experiment with new techniques.
  • Use different media eg. ink, collage, pens, pencils, oil and chalk pastels, charcoal
  • Develop your drawing and sketching with fun challenges and tasks set by Sally.
  • Start with short exercises (1 minute drawings) gradually getting longer. This helps you feel free and relaxed and not worry about making a perfect picture.
  • Benefit from sharing ideas and inspiration with the other class members.


Teacher: Sally Hancox


To reserve a place or ask a question:

Email: sally.koala@gmail.com




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